Tampa Asphalt Services

6022 Williams Rd. Tampa, FL 33544
Tampa Location: (813) 622-8886

CGC #1519991

Pervious Concrete Tampa

Pervious Concrete

Complete Pervious Concrete installation

Pervious Concrete is a porous concrete that drains off water beneath the surface.Pervious concrete pavement is a unique and effective means to address important environmental issues and support green, sustainable growth. By capturing stormwater and allowing it to seep into the ground, porous concrete is instrumental in recharging groundwater, reducing stormwater runoff, and meeting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) stormwater regulations. In fact, the use of pervious concrete is among the Best Management Practices (BMPs) recommended by the EPA– and by other agencies and geotechnical engineers across the country– for the management of stormwater runoff on a regional and local basis. This pavement technology creates more efficient land use by eliminating the need for retention ponds, swales, and other stormwater management devices. In doing so, pervious concrete has the ability to lower overall project costs on a first-cost basis.

Here is an image of installed pervious concrete in Tampa.Pervious concrete Tampa is a special type of concrete with a high porosity used for concrete flatwork applications that allows water from precipitation and other sources to pass directly through, thereby reducing the runoff from a site and allowing groundwater recharge. The high porosity is attained by a highly interconnected void content. Typically pervious concrete has little or no fine aggregate and has just enough cementitious paste to coat the coarse aggregate particles while preserving the inter-connectivity of the voids. Pervious concrete is traditionally used in parking areas, areas with light traffic, residential streets, pedestrian walkways, and greenhouses.[1] It is an important application for sustainable construction and is one of many low impact development techniques used by builders to protect water quality.

Benefits of Pervious Concrete Tampa

Pervious concrete Tampa is an innovative building material with many environmental, economic, and structural advantages. The proper utilization of pervious concrete is a recognized Best Management Practice by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for providing first-flush pollution control and stormwater management. Property owners and developers can also reduce fees and enhance the bottom line by using pervious concrete, which commonly provides 20-40 years of service with little or no maintenance.